I was recently interviewed by Audrey Watters of O’Reilly Radar on what CouchDB can do for HTML5, web apps and mobile. We discussed CouchDB, CouchApps, JavaScript, HTML5, web applications, mobile application development (Android/iOS), Web Storage, IndexedDB, replication, and “ground computing”. Read the full interview for the details of what we talked about.
I’ll be giving a presentation on CouchApps at OSCON if you want to learn more about CouchApps, JavaScript, and HTML5. This presentation will be a part of the JavaScript and HTML5 track. You can save 20% on registration with the code OS11RAD. I’ll also be presenting a tutorial on Learning CouchDB at OSCON Data.
You can also check out my books Writing and Querying MapReduce Views in CouchDB and Scaling CouchDB if you’re interested in learning more about CouchDB in general.